Based on a hugely successful global quiz phenomenon, Letters and Numbers is a smart and entertaining new SBS quiz show hosted by television veteran Richard Morecroft.Letters and Numbers is a daily quiz show, airing Monday to Friday at 6pm, whereby two contestants pit their word ingenuity and numerical ability against each other for the chance to return the next day as champion. Lily Serna as the maths guru and writer David Astle as the resident word expert. This book brings you a new set of puzzles from maths Wiz Lily Serna.
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Based on a hugely successful global quiz phenomenon, Letters and Numbers is a smart and entertaining new SBS quiz show hosted by television veteran Richard Morecroft.Letters and Numbers is a daily quiz show, airing Monday to Friday at 6pm, whereby two contestants pit their word ingenuity and numerical ability against each other for the chance to return the next day as champion. Lily Serna as the maths guru and writer David Astle as the resident word expert. This book brings you a new set of puzzles from maths Wiz Lily Serna.